Christmas & New Year of Love

By Neelu Matchmaking

Christmas & New Year of Love

As the month of December rolls around, we crave for warmth of our loved ones, especially that of our partner. For some of us who are still looking for that perfect match, it can feel incomplete and lonely. Tucking into that roast dinner, exchanging gifts, indulging or overindulging in our favourite Christmas movies and snacks.

During these special holiday periods, the feeling of loneliness becomes prevalent especially when you live alone and away from family and friends. Especially when everyone seems to have their love lives in check.

Having someone special can help to alleviate that feeling of loneliness.

Christmas & New Year of Love

Christmas & New Year of Love

However, it doesn’t have to be all things Christmas, it can be a date watching a New Year’s fireworks display, an intimate walk sipping on hot chocolate after work or even as far as ice skating …

Whichever one you choose; they can all make for simple ideas to get to know someone better this festive period. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Take care of yourself: Before getting to know anyone new or even re-kindling with a past partner, your self-care is vital. Make sure you are emotionally and mentally prepared to date.
  2. Start off small: Ask your friends or family if they know anyone, use your workplace, gym or local supermarket to strike up conversations with everyone and be open to all interactions.
  3. Most importantly: Do not settle for less than you would like in a partner, do remember what is most valuable to you in that special someone.

Check us out: If all fails and you have nowhere to look, try professional services like ours! We can gear your search in the right direction and help find your suitable match who like you, is serious about settling down in a long term commitment

As the new year of 2024 approaches, we must remember that the new year is a great time to start new beginnings!

So whether that means continuing old romantic relations or pursuing new ones or being happy single… all options are a form of love to either others or ourselves…

Bring it on!